Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The first step is the hardest!

"The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started."
– Norman Cousins

We are no closer to finding a suitable RV than we were when this idea occurred to us. We are a bit discouraged and frustrated by the difficulty we are having in that arena, but we decided to proceed as if we already have one...eventually we will find one.

So...proceed as if we have one. My sister suggested taping out the dimensions of what we want in an RV on our floors and then trying to make what we have fit inside...might still do that, but not today. What we are doing though, is purging the stuff! I should have taken a picture of Z1's room before I kicked him out of it. That's right, I kicked my oldest out of his room and into his brothers'. I need a space to store all the things we plan to sell or donate, and the three of them need to get used sleeping in close quarters again.

After kicking Z1 out, I proceeded to clear out everything he wants to keep (this is a future battle for us all, but we are purging in stages...sweeps) and then started filling it with things we will sell or donate. Here is a pic of the current state of things in there.

I will post a weekly update on the state of affairs in this room. I am also going to post pictures each week of the items that are "better than garage sale" type stuff. I will accept bids on these items. I will use these bids as "reserves" at my garage sales. If I can't get a better price there, then you will get the item at your reserved price. I will post more details when I get that page set up...

So, after all my fits of depression and fears that this dream would not get her wings...

I feel much better having finally taken a first step!! We are flying now...or at least we are taxiing down the runway!


  1. I can hardly wait to say "Cleared for Takeoff"!!

  2. That's a first step that many of us should take: the possessions, stuff, and just plain junk that fills our homes is so distracting. You should keep the bike, though. Or do you have a better one?

  3. The bike I am keeping...that was also the bike room and I have no other place for it...but the trainer it is on will be sold.

  4. Continue to work away at it and it will all come together. The most important thing is to not over think or stress about finding the perfect RV or the lifestyle in general. Easier said than done I understand. Not to discourage you, but it took us years of planning and searching for our perfect home on wheels. One day it literally just all came together! We were able to jump right in (after selling the house) because we were prepared! De-cluttering your house is an excellent first step and de-cluttering the mind is something that helps as well!

    Keep going! You're doing great! :)



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