Sunday, September 26, 2010

well, here it is...THE BLOG.

I have started blogging many times in the last several years...never seen one of my blogs? I never got past choosing an address and layout before, that could be why...

This time is different! I have something to write about that I am already so passionate about, it is somewhat unsettling to those who know and love me...I am a ZEALOT suddenly and that scares me, too! I have a DREAM! I don't think I have had a dream for my life before...not a realistic one that didn't revolve around winning the lottery or marrying royalty...

THE DREAM is to LIVE my life FREELY right NOW!

uh...yup...that's it.

That's the whole dream.

I know it sounds a bit simple and uninspired, but I mean FREELY as in free from the demands of corporate from the rat from the expectations of to be me in every sense of the idea...and I don't even know what ALL that can be!! I plan to find out though, and I plan to document that quest here!

I can tell you that the dream came to me suddenly and yet, it has been taking shape for years. I have experienced a growing discontentment with the state of things in this country...the consumerism...the greed...the systematic rape of the freedoms we are so proud to claim as American Freedoms...and various other "liberal" ideas. Then, while searching for homeschooling resources online, I came across the term "roadschooling" and I clicked on the link. SMACK! There it was. There was my "calling." There was the place that looked like home...there was the me I have been searching for.

From that link I found a path to the freedom I have craved. Now I take the first step down that path. That first step is the decision to follow the path. I invite you to tag along...


  1. SO totally how I feel too. One of the biggest reasons we moved was to get away from all the people who cared more about money and what car they drove than HOW they were living. My feelings started a few years ago and now have really bloomed. Missoula embraces anti consumerism and basic, earthy living - perfect place to be for this new stage of my life. So glad we're on the same page!! We gave up cable tv 8 years ago with no regrets, high fruct. corn syrup 3 years ago too. Part of my canning & baking obsession also revolves around getting back to basics. Can't wait to read more on your blog. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I admire your determination. Did you write that you are taking the "first step"? You're already 2 or 3 steps ahead of me--lead on!

  3. Welcome to the road, I hope you and I get to meet in the future!

  4. Congratulations and welcome to the Rving community. You will find an abundance of inspiration and excellent folks out here. Glad we came across your blog. =0)



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