Thursday, October 7, 2010

Overwhelmed much?

Wow! This last week has been busy, but only mentally (except for the ER visit that was also physically taxing). I have been trying to educate myself on the business of blogging, while trying figure out an RV purchase plan, while trying to get up the courage to tell my Dad about our Nomadic decision (didn't go so well), while trying to homeschool/unschool 7th grader, while trying to separate myself (emotionally) from my stuff (while trying to orchestrate a monetary recovery from it), while trying to convince myself that I can adequately educate all three of my boys from the road, while trying to figure out how to make the limited funds we have now fund a new path, while trying to avoid the temptation of convenience (food, entertainment, doubt)...

I am exhausted...mentally and emotionally. My brain is in shut down mode. Or, I should say, rebooting from shutdown mode. Yesterday, I slept nearly the whole day away! It was like a sudden and severe depression just took over and my brain took a snooze. Tom was great! He let me sleep. Even played with my hair on the occasions when I woke up, looking dazed and confused, so that I would go back to sleep (I must have looked really bad). Thank you, Tom!

Even after sleeping ALL DAY, I slept like a rock through the night!! When I did get up this morning Tom had already gotten the 2 oldest off to public school and Zane was reading the newspaper (ok maybe it was the news paper ads...) and he (Zane) had made a pot of coffee!! What a rockin' awakening! What would it take to wake up everyday without the pressure of places to be and the feeling that "time's a wastin' " from the first glimpse of the day's light? I know exactly what it will take!! THE PATH!! I needed the rest, but I have got to find a way to make this happen! and fast!!

Back to the QUEST!! Tomorrow I hope to post PROGRESS!! A look at the purging of possessions that which possesses us!


  1. A full day snooze is sometimes in order. You just need to let your emotions catch up with your brain. I too had a moment of "wow-what have we done" while purging our possessions before our cross country move. Let yourself think it through and process all the "what ifs" and then you can mentally move on. Can't wait to see where this journey leads your family. . .Hope to see you in Montana in the spring. - Tracy

  2. Thanks Tracy! I have been having a tough time with this!! I want things to happen faster, and then I want them to slow down....roller coaster!

  3. Ok so the thing to remember is you aren't escaping it still is life on the road. Things aren't easier they are harder but BETTER for us. They have to be better for you or else it won't work and you will be miserable. Breathe. Take each real world thing as it comes. It was the most stressful when we bought something. It took too lomg to buy it because I wasn't sure of what to get. Also its not that cheap staying at campgrounds. I am in the hood of charlotte and I am paying 140 a week plus my payment to the rv. Boondocking is the cheapest and the best!!!!! Peace and love.

  4. Thanks for the advice! I agree that the purchases are daunting...I don't know what to buy either! I will probably email when I get closer to a I can run my fears and questions by an "elder of the road"! be HAPPY!


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