Monday, October 4, 2010

Please Sign Our Petition

Recently, I read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. The best thing I took from the book is when her friend/promotions manager suggests that she submit a petition to the Universe. She suggests that if Elizabeth wants so badly for things in this life to go her way (specifically for her long drawn out divorce to be final so that she can travel) and she believes that her desires are reasonable and beneficial to the world then she should petition the universe by mentally listing all the people she knows who would support her. So here I submit to the universe...if you believe that our desire to travel the country as a family, learning about people and places, learning about each other, experiencing life rather than just reading about it, and reconnecting with the needs of the planet and her inhabitants would be beneficial to ALL...please sign our petition!

1 comment:

  1. I hereby sign (pray) for your petition!! Mom


thanks for taking the time to comment!!

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